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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


To praise; to exalt, to commend. To give freely, of oneself.

Merriest Christmas Eve Eve Champions! May you take a moment today to celebrate this beautiful season. May you reflect on the birth of the game changer! God came down!

Today, I pray for peace in your heart that only Jesus can give! That perfect peace gives us a reason to celebrate every day. Champions, with the beginning of a new day, I took a moment to just remind myself, to rejoice! This Christmas season has been a challenge from an emotional world perspective for my family. You may be experiencing the aforementioned yourself. Loss of loved ones, health issues, financial issues, etc. As I look very closely at this, God says rejoice! Stay with me. I think we are the ones that get it twisted. We entangle our emotions into happiness. Take Christmas for instance, where does the real joy and heart for celebration lie within you? I had to ask myself the same thing. Here's the thing, regardless of what we are enduring at this moment in time, God is the same. Worthy to be praised! The stuff we deal with here on this earth can be overwhelming if we are not grounded in the one who will sustain us. Celebration begins in the heart. When we look at the true meaning of why we celebrate Christmas, it should take our breath away! He loved us that much. I think we lose sight in the ribbons and bows. In the events and to dos. We create this vision in our minds from Christmas pasts, some great and some maybe not so much. Champions, Christmas, for a christian is pretty incredible. It's not about magic, or flying reindeer. It's not about presents but all about his presence! So I encourage you to look up at the night sky. To bask in the presence of our Creator! To be humbly grateful and just be! Celebrate, Christmas is so much more than what this world wants you to believe! Merry Christmas!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118: 24

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