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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Bucket list

A list of things that smoeone wants to do before they die.

What a great morning for pancakes Champions! I just thought I'd start with that this morning. Who knows, we just might eat them on the fancy plates.

I say that to segway into this morning's topic. Yes, a bucket list. 🪣

I have heard so many people over the last couple of years reference their bucket list. I suppose in passing I really didn't pay too much attention to the comment. However, of late it has really resonated in my spirit. The truth to the matter is, we have no clue when our last breath will be taken here on planet earth. What if...we lived each day to it's fullest? We woke with a heart of gratitude for another day and went from there?

I'm not saying, we shouldn't accomplish things or go on adventures. My question would be, is God included? If we are so busy planning what we want to do before we die, and we are clueless as to when that will can we fully live now? Now is what we have. I don't know about you, but I'm going to start changing my thought process. We are here but for a season, let's make each day count. Kicking the bucket is the last thing on my mind. When that day comes, I will be in my eternal home...

But for today, I will roll up my sleeves because there's work to do.

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

Proverbs 27:1

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