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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Breaking Patterns 

To change a consistent reoccurring behavior. Making a decision to act and react differently towards a given situation or object.

May your Thursday abound in faith, hope, and love! Be tender and compassionate with yourself today Champions! Take that personal inventory of a pattern you may see within that is reoccurring that holds you back from who you were fully created to be!

Jumping right in this morning...

Have you ever had these two thoughts?

Not again!? Or Why me? I certainly have.

So let's take a minute to break it down. Where do patterns, or repeated behaviors come from? I believe it's safe to say, from within. Our inner beliefs and the values we hold are the foundation for the patterns we have in our lives (good and bad). At a very young age, we absorb the information and influence of others. We watch, listen and proceed. Over a period of time what we have taken into our minds and hearts begins to spill out in our daily actions. Here's the thing, some people if given a poor example can make a decision to not repeat that because of the outcome they saw. Others may repeat it because they just aren't sure of another way. The great news is with God all things are possible. That includes breaking unhealthy patterns in our lives. A few examples of unhealthy patterns would be, not knowing how to communicate, reoccurring arguments over our point of view and wanting or needing to be right. Habits that are damaging to our bodies, there are many so I'll leave that right there. Procrastination, ouch that's a biggie. Sometimes, just getting started, we have the best of intentions but never quite make it to the first step in execution. I think you get the idea of what I'm trying to say. Now that we've established all of that, how do we break those patterns?Champions, acknowledging them and working daily to change those inward beliefs that have not served us and produced healthy results would be the first step. Simply, sometimes we have to reprogram our thought process. Being in God's word is paramount to the success of breaking unhealthy patterns. Finding a church that is bible believing, that will help you grow in Christ. Examining your circle of influence. Determining who or what triggers your repeated pattern that you simply don't want to repeat anymore. Taking action by allowing God to have control over the situation. Finally, don't beat yourself up. Take it one day at a time. God provides what is needed to break every chain! Just ask him. Have a great Thursday!

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control.

2 Timothy 1:7

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