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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Blessing Blocker

Updated: Jun 17, 2019

A hindrance that separates us from God and ultimately can result in an ineffective prayer life...

Wowsers Champions! Have you ever considered your prayers could be blocked by harboring something within ourselves? With repeated habits that keep us separated from our Creator? That makes our adversary smile but makes our hearts feel empty. Do not allow him to be a blessing blocker in your life! I say we take a stand and recognize the areas that are blockers and bust that wall down!

Oh, there are so many blockers that we could have that prevent our prayers from being effective. The key is to confess those that are revealed to us and they are revealed. We know in our heart when something isn't right. That's how we were wired!

I really want to lay a huge blocker out there this morning that creates soooooo much damage.

Unforgivness...this hinders our prayer life in a big way. And here's the thing, the one it truly hurts is us! Let's be honest with ourselves today. If unforgivness is a blessing blocker for you join me in letting it go! Say no more!

Today my prayers are going to be effective and I am busting through that brick wall because I know what's on the other side!

But if you do not forgive other's their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:15

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