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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Believe in yourself 

Having faith in the truth and existence of what God placed inside you.

Monday morning is here and the day has been given to us by our Creator and Sustainer! What can we accomplish today?

Moment of reflection this morning... Self, yikes! Is she really going there? Yep! I am. Champions, we were made in the image of Almighty God! Being a Christian doesn't mean we are shrinking violets. Doesn't mean we walk around with an Eeyore mentality. The words you speak over yourself are very important. Stop with the I can'ts and the I'm not this or I'm not that! Listen very closely, You can do all things through Christ! Now, remember it needs to line up with his will for your life. We were not placed here on this earth in this moment in time to just exist, to go through the motions. Remember that old commercial " it's time to make the donuts?" That poor fellow getting up every morning, shuffling his feet, no pep in his step. Champions, it's time to rise to speak words into your spirit/ my spirit such as, courageous, bold, conquer, confident! We are Royalty and our Father is the King of kings. So adjust those crowns Kings and Queens and let's show this world what our Father can do through us today!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13

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