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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Being kind to yourself 

Accepting that you have one body and one mind and nurturing the body and mind you have. To stop comparing yourself to others and holding yourself to impossibly high standards. To understand that you were made in the image of Almighty God and that is enough.

May your Tuesday spring forth praise, peace, and prosperity. Walk today with your head high and a pep in your step! Knowing, whatever comes your way, God is in control!

I thank God for the friendly reminder he gave me this morning. " to be kind to yourself "

Is it safe to say, that sometimes we get so busy with stuff and goals and goals and stuff that we loose ourselves a bit? We continuously give but if we aren't careful, we empty our cup. Self care is important. I didn't say selfish care. I said self care. Each one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made. In the image of God. The words we speak to ourselves daily can either grow us or hold us back. Here's the thing, you were created by God and he doesn't make "no junk". It's important to take the time and invest it in your temple so you can be a productive warrior. I will leave you with this, do not and I repeat, do not, compare yourself to anyone else. You were not given their life to live. You were assigned to yours. So take care of yourself!

I praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Psalm 139:14

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