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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Being different

Uniquely talented, embracing the moment, to feel empowered and confident beyond belief. Knowing you were designed by Almighty God! This gives you impetus to your God given talents and makes you an outlier. Demonstrating distinct and pleasing qualities.

Champions, I pray today brings you much! I pray your light shines so bright that you illuminate all that comes in contact with you! I pray you embrace your uniqueness and never settle to blend in! You are one of a kind, an original! Be that!

Oh happy day! This morning I'm screaming being different. Being you! God created each one of us in his image but uniquely different. Look at our fingerprints, each one different. Conforming to the stigma of what everyone else is doing is ludicrous! Make no mistake, there will be times when you are mocked, talked about, and even misunderstood. During those times, take a personal inventory, ask yourself...Does my actions line up with God's will and instruction for my life? It's high time we quit worrying about what people think and be more concerned with what God knows!

In our everyday walk and encounters, being mindful not to be a stumbling block for others. To have a ready testimony and not to be so heavenly minded that we aren't no earthly good! To meet people where they are and to never forget the day before we were saved! So yes, be different, be peculiar, be who God intended you to be!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9

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