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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


One with a distinctive personality, full of life, love, and laughter. Having the ability to make others feel inexplicably good just by being who they are. Genuine, honest, and sincere in their actions and deeds.

Saturday morning encouragement coming to you Champions! This morning, keeping it simple... Beautiful, more than just a word. More than what we visually see on the outside. Daily, we encounter people that hold a special kind of beautiful. Those that walk with humility, honesty and generosity. I really thought about this during my quiet time this morning. If you're fortunate enough to cross paths with someone today who gleams with beauty, inside and out, tell them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. More times than enough it has nothing to do with what we see with our eyes, but actually what we feel with our hearts. Tell them, this world could certainly use some more beautiful! Have an incredibly awesome day!

She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 3:15

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