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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Beat To Your Own Drum!

To do something, act, or behave in a manner that does not conform to standards, prevalent or popular to the societal norm.

May this new day bring you abundant joy and peace Champions! A peace that is perfect that surpasses all understanding!

Beat to your own drum! We've all heard this statement before. This morning let's not just hear it but look at it just a little deeper. Have you ever tried to conform or fit in? Could be personally or professionally, trying to adapt or go so far out of your box that you know it isn't where you belong. Again, if this doesn't apply to you this morning, just keep on pushing forward and be the amazing creation you are! However, if this makes you raise an eyebrow and say, yes...I've been there, you are not alone. We are living in a world where we are critiqued from the outside and too often criticizing ourselves from the inside. We see how others are doing it and think that is the latest and greatest. Champions, that's all lies. Often, we see what we believe to be true with our eyes from a social media perspective but it is the furthest thing from reality. Each one of us were made to be one of a kind, unique. Beat to your own drum... Find your purpose. If you're uncertain of what that truly is ask God. He will tell you. Here's the thing it may not be something in the eyes of our current culture that is recognized as cool or hip. But it's yours! It's mine. It's our purpose, each different but what we have been assigned. Don't conform to the patterns of this world, choose to be a light in the darkness. Shine your light today! Beat to your own drum!

Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is. His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

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