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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Be love. Be light.

Actions that demonstrate patience and kindness, that aren't rude, envious, or boastful. An illumation that removes the darkness and makes things brighter.

Champions, happy last day of the year of 2021! I challenge you today to be! To be love, to be light in a world that needs change makers. I've been doing some deep down reflecting on the past year. I have had great days, good days, and yes days that have had some tough spots in them.

Funny, this morning I landed's not about you this morning.

( I'm speaking of myself).

Yes, that's what was placed in my spirit.Over the past year, what I have focused on has expanded. That focus has been both positive and negative, depending on me.

So I thought, 2022, what could I accomplish for Jesus if my focus was a little more on him and a little less on me?

Then, I was led to be.

Be love, be light.

In order to accomplish that, action is required. So on this last day of 2021, I will be!

Then, the Lord willing...I will repeat the act of being love, being light in someway for someone, for the next 365 days. Father God, here I am...use me! Champions, how about it?

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5

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