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Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Begins in the heart. Being true and making that connection with God on who you were called to be.

There is just something sweet and special about Sunday mornings Champions! A day set aside specifically to praise, rest our minds, and recharge our bodies. May your Sunday be all of those things.

Just thinking this morning about authenticity. Sounds crazy huh? Sometimes I just have to smile look up and say, ok God. This morning is one of those mornings. He gave me authentic for a reason. So I'll do my level best to break it down... to share what I got out of this 9 letter word this morning. Being authentic, truly starts in the heart. Making a decision that you are not going to follow the crowd but to stand out and follow the Creator. When we struggle within, just maybe we are wrestling with who we are called to be and who we are pretending to be? When we constantly try to fit in a mold designed by the world verses the purpose God placed us here for, we become very watered down. We lose our flavor. We lose our salt. Don't get me wrong, that old slu foot is constantly trying to confuse and manipulate each one of us. However, he has no power over God! God made you and me authentic. There is something pretty special in each one of us. Don't try to put a square peg in a round hole. Seek God's will for your life. There is so much freedom in surrender and being who you were called to be. It's a pretty incredible thing! Have a beautiful day Champions!

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

Psalm 25:5

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