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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Are you OK?

Enquiring how someone is doing, showing concern for them.

Thursday is upon us and will bring opportunities for each one of us to check in on someone. To see how they are doing... Make the call, send the text. Here's a prehistoric thought, send a card.

As I watch the sun come up this morning, in my spirit, I feel the sunrise was a special gift given to me today. I feel Almighty God's presence and the question comes to my mind, "Are you OK?"

I want to begin with each one of you. I pray that each one of you are healthy and whole. I pray for God's protection around you and your families. I pray that you are OK. Taking it one step further, take a second and think of someone that you could bless today just by checking in on them. We are in a time where kindness speaks volumes. Where compassion is welcomed with a new level of appreciation. Each one of us has the opportunity to make someone's day brighter today. I challenge you to be that person! Have a beautiful day today! You are important and valuable, never forget it!

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

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