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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

An Empty Space 

A feeling or longing for; a sense of a thing's absence.

Another Wednesday on the horizon Champions! One may say,

" middle of the road " we are certainly in the middle of our week and today is going to be an awesome adventure if we choose for it to be. Oh, the possibilities?

Just delving in this morning. An empty space? I know that before I was a born again believer or should I say, when I rededicated my life to Jesus? I felt an emptiness, a void. If you are feeling something inside that no matter what you do still feels like something is missing, possibly this morning's blog is for you.

Human beings... complex creatures for sure. We are too often searching and seeking, but what is it that we are after really? Have you ever been so excited for an event? Could be a vacation, a party, some type of celebration, then when it's over, it is almost like grieving something that has been lost. Then, there's the adrenaline of purchasing items large or small (houses, cars etc.) Could certainly be on a smaller scale, then we have accumulated all of this stuff but still something isn't complete. Major life events...a marriage, a babies birth, a graduation etc. But still after it's over ( emptiness) Champions listen very closely, there is a place inside each of us that can only be filled by God. All of the searching and seeking we do, if He isn't in it will circle back to that feeling of emptiness. We have relationships here on earth...spouse, children, friends but still those relationships can not fill that special place in your heart or mine that can only be filled by the one who created us! So, if you're experiencing that empty feeling, possibly you need to reconnect or maybe just be introduced for the first time to my friend and he wants to be yours as well "Jesus " just talk to him. Dust off that bible and connect with him. Find a bible believing church if you do not have one and go! Funny thing is, once that empty hole is filled with Jesus, your want to' s change. Your relationships become deeper. Don't get me wrong, you will not be exempt from all the things that take place in the nasty now and now. But you will be equipped and your heart will no longer feel an emptiness or a void! Choose today to connect or reconnect if this struck a chord with you. You will be so glad you did!

But God shows his love for us in that while we are still sinners Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

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