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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

A simple coffee cup...

A vessel typically round in shape, with an opening at the top used for drinking, that usually has a handle.

Good morning Champions. Let's tip toe into today with a quiet resilience. Savoring every moment and acknowledging the blessings we are given.

Pouring my coffee this morning triggered a thought...I looked at my cup and thanked God. My cup runneth over came to my mind. The next several minutes I spent enjoying what was in my cup. Enjoying my quiet uninterrupted time with my Heavenly Father. A simple coffee cup, brought me perspective. Too often we hit the floor running and before we know it, half the day is gone. Could we possibly be missing something on those days? This morning I told myself, let's tiptoe into today. Will you join me in embracing the day with a steady, quiet, approach? All because of a simple coffee cup. Enjoy!

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Psalm 23:5

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