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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

A promise...

A declaration or assurance made by someone to someone.

Another beautiful day is breaking Champions! Enjoy!

This morning a simple promise came to my mind. We can either be on the delivering or receiving end of making promises. In my life time I have experienced people keeping their promise and regretfully some that didn't. I can truthfully say, I have done everything in my power to keep a promise if it comes out of my mouth. However, humans are certainly fallible. That's why I am so grateful that we serve an awesome God. His promises are guaranteed. He is never changing and his word is true. Champions, this is one of those times to ask ourselves WWJD, before we part our lips with something we can't fulfill.

Promises are so important. Let's practice being true and genuine as we follow Christ!

Pinky promises count ❤

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

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