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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

A Grateful Heart 

A heart that gives thanks in all circumstances. Even in the midst of calamity. To live with sincere appreciation.

Happy New Years Eve Champions! As we reflect on the past year and look ahead to the new one to come, will you join me in just pausing for a moment? Pausing, just to soak up the gift of today.

2019, history was made. It may not have been entered into a record book or novel. There may not have been a best selling movie at the box office to represent what you or I walked through, but history was made. As my mind rewinds over the past year, there was joy, there was sorrow. However, the lessons that came forth made me stronger. I bet if you dig down deep, the lessons you endured made you stronger as well. All of that being said to bring me to a grateful heart...

I lift my head and thank The Amazing God we serve for the year of growth he provided for me. Stay with me, sorrow hit hard this year. My family was grief stricken on more than one occasion with family members that went on before us. We certainly had our share of sickness and hard knocks in 2019. Through it all, I can say to you today, December 31st 2019 that I have a peace that surpasses all understanding because of the one living in me. My heart overflows with appreciation and gratitude for each precious memory and moment that I have been blessed with. If we never experienced sorrow we wouldn't appreciate joy. If we never walked through the valley we wouldn't be grateful for the mountain top! To everything there is a season under heaven. Seasons change and living with a grateful heart during the cold winter months makes the first signs of spring all the more joyful. It may be hard to see good in something at first glance but if you close your eyes and really look there is good to be found in everything! Oh Champions, let's begin 2020 focusing on our hearts. Let's fill them with gratitude and appreciation. We can through him because he said so!

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

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