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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


To come to an end, cease to happen.

Happy Tuesday Champions! Taking it in a little different direction this morning. On this road called life we certainly are given signs. I selected stop for today's topic. We all know when we see that big red sign that it means stop. If we choose to ignore that sign there is consequences for our actions. Could be a traffic ticket, could be an accident or could be that we think we got by with something because we didn't get caught. Thing is, in that moment when we think we got by with running that stop sign, we know inside that what we did was wrong. If you never ran a stop sign, I think you still can get the picture of where I'm going with this.

Daily, we are given the stop sign. Somedays we encounter more than one stop sign. The important thing is what we do immediately after we are given the sign. Do we stop? Do we ignore? Keeping it real today, when we ignore the sign, we are setting ourselves up for danger. Sometimes we just have to stop what we're doing. Problem is, I can only speak for myself here( we too often ignore, what is dangerous for us if we don't stop! ) this could result in damaging relationships, bringing on hardships that prevent us from growing.

Anger, jealousy, back biting, bitterness, gossip, excuses the list goes on. Please, if you can't say amen, Say OUCH!!

Be aware of the stop signs today. Be obedient. Today is the perfect time to stop and work on within! I challenge you and me to make a difference today. We were cre8ted to stand out. Let's do it! Just stop. Each of us knows the stops that we need to make on the inside . Choose wisely! Here's the thing, there is one that sees everything. I choose Him! Search my heart and reveal to me my stops today Lord!

So stop all the wrong things you do. Stop all the ways you cheat people. Stop fooling people. Stop being jealous. Stop saying wrong things about people.

1 Peter 2:1

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