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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A temporary state of mind or feeling.

May your Friday be blessed and your steps filled with purpose.

Tackling the mood today. First let me begin with, it's temporary. Our moods change like the wind if we allow them to. Permission to share some of my mood managing practices?

Start your day, what ever the time with a moment of stillness. I begin mine with prayer, God's word and a few deep breaths to clear my mind from anything lingering from the previous day. Know and understand that going into the day, things are going to happen but not everything that happens requires a reaction. Give yourself permission to take mini mind vacations throughout your day and stay connected to your mood o meter. Trust and believe, the devil is going to try to derail you. When he comes knocking, let God answer the door. Practice, practice, practice and each day you will grow stronger and more self controlled. Have a purpose filled Friday!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God. What is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

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