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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Jealousy personified.

Wowsers Champions! This morning we are going to touch on a topic that might make us a bit uncomfortable. "Envy" yuck! One might say this could turn you a little green. Bitten by the green eyed monster. Interestingly enough, this saying is said to have originated back to William Shakespeare.

There is no other way to put it, envy kills us from the inside. This is jealousy to the max! I believe at one time or another we have all wanted what someone else has...

(if we're honest)

If we realize it and shake it off it doesn't consume us. However, when it becomes an obsession and a focal point of our lives it must be addressed or it will literally tear us apart.

The first step to breaking that bondage is identification and self reflection and honesty. Then take it to prayer Champions. Here's the thing, the enemy will try to keep bringing it back up in your mind. DO NOT give him clearance!

Control your thought process by giving it to God everytime it enters your head. Start thinking of your blessings, your accomplishments, your successes! Your God! Through Him you and me can overcome! Don't allow this stronghold to turn you green any longer.

Let me let you in on a little secret, you are pretty incredible and there is nobody that can be a better you than you! Be you! Have a blessed and highly productive day today! Live!

" A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."

Proverbs 14:30

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