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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


False statements, untruthfulness.

Well Champions we have reached the middle of our week. Each day we are given is an amazing gift! What we choose to do with that gift is our decision. Today's topic might be one that makes us shout ouch! Here's the thing, no matter how we slice it, if it isn't the truth it is a lie. I believe it is safe to say everyone of us can relate to this morning's topic.

What ever our reasoning or justification, a lie is a lie. Some lies develop because it's easier than confrontation, is it? Some lies develop because other roots have been formed, bitterness, anger, resentment, slander against someone or something. Some lies develop because it just might make the story a little more interesting. Some lies develop because we told one and we have to tell another because of the first one we told. And some lies develop because of shame, embarrassment, guilt etc. Then there's those that we call little white ones or I couldn't hurt their feelings ones. Maybe, here's a good one, it wasn't actually a lie! Champions, a lie is a lie is a lie!!! They destroy relationships cause turmoil and ruin lives.

The enemy is the father of lies. To be creditable and trustworthy, we are called to be honest. Now let's keep it real, compassion and delivery are paramount. Thinking before we speak, choosing not to partake in conversations that just may damage our integrity. Can we commit to one another today to go about our day walking in truth? To practice humility with kindness and to be honest first with ourselves to prayerfully influence others. That just maybe, someone will see something different in us and say to themselves...I want what they have. And that difference friends is God living in us manifesting through us in truth and in love.

Something to ponder...What if a liar's pants really did catch on fire?

An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies.

Proverbs 14:5

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