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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

Home: Welcome


Knowledge along with the insight on how to apply it. Happy Saturday Champions! Today is ready, are we? Summer time is a great time to do...


The state of thinking that one has, their thoughts. Friday blessings for a day that brings a calmness to your spirit Champions! Let me...

Just a stumble...

A distraction or interruption. Oh glorious day Champions! Plant your feet and walk with confidence today. My mind traveled to a place...

Take out the garbage...

To remove or dispose of worthless, meaningless things, that are only stinking up your life. Happiest of Wednesdays to you Champions!...

Good health...

The state of being free from illness or injury. Praying your day is healthy and whole Champions! This morning just really keeping it...

Don't be so hard on yourself...

Stop over analyzing the areas in your life that hasn't came to fruition. Instead, embrace how far you have come. May your Monday be...

It takes Grit...

Perseverance, effort, and consistency regardless of the situation. Sweet Sunday morning peace to you and yours Champions! Waking to a...

Not perfect, but thankful...

Flaws,mistakes, scratches, and dents...but grateful for my life and living. Saturday morning wellness for a day that is happy and whole...

Little by little...

Small things that add up over time to great things. Morning Champions! Prayers for a Friday that brings opportunity for greatness! This...

Your best you...

Executing with excellence, and working each day to be a better you, than the day before. Morning Champions! Happy sun shiny day! This...

Be the light...

A source of kindness, compassion, and encouragement in a fallen world. May the morning sun brighten your day Champions! This morning I...

Keep going...

Continuing to move forward through adversity. Top of the morning to you Champions! Such a great day to have a great day! As I tip toe...

Remove yourself...

To separate or step away from situations or circumstances that aren't healthy for you. May the rising of the summer sun bring a warmth to...

The best version of you...

Being open minded and applying continued efforts to move forward and grow stronger each day. What a special Sunday we have been given...

Small can be mighy...

Acknowledging the small things and their importance. Another Saturday is here Champions! Never see yourself as small. You are mighty and ...

Well hello uncomfortable...

Embracing the awkward and uneasy situations in life, to allow room to grow through what you go through. Prayers for a Friday morning that...

Declining the invitation...

Refusing to attend or participate in the noise. May your morning be simplistic and joyful Champions! Starting my morning off with a holy...

Let the talkers talk...

Staying in your own lane. Minding your own business. Refraining from conversations that are non productive and pointless about another...

Kick stress to the curb...

Remaining connected to God! Allowing your power source to control your thoughts. Champions, happiest of July fourths to you and yours!...

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