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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

Home: Welcome

Do your best...

Executing with excellence when it comes to your time, attention, and abilities. Happy September 1 Champions! May the new month and day...

You can't please everyone...

No matter how hard you try or the effort that you make, there will always be someone that you just didn't make happy. Learn to just...

Keep going...

Refusing not to quit. Morning grace and goodness to you and yours Champions! This morning, two words... Keep Going! Yes, don't stop, keep...

Observe don't absorb...

To see or take notice of something, without allowing it to enter into your space and jeopardize your peace. Monday mornings are super...

Strength in the struggle...

Physically and spiritually strong through difficulties and opposition. Praying for a Sunday of blessings for you and yours Champions!...

Fresh start...

Brand new day of opportunities and possibilities. Sweet Saturday morning wellness for a day that is happy and whole Champions! Pondering...

Who you were made to be...

Your unique, God given purpose. May your Friday be blessed and be of good courage Champions! Landing on who you were meant to be...


Measured by one's world view. Life circumstances and convictions to complete a task, aim, or purpose. Happiest of Thursdays to you...

You can learn from everyone...

Tapping into your super power and allowing yourself to gain knowledge from all those that you come in contact with. Wednesday... smack...

I choose happiness...

Making a decision to be in a state of contentment and joy. Tuesday morning has arrived and oh what a beautiful day on the horizon!...

Remain disciplined...

Staying committed to turning your goals into accomplishments. Thank you Jesus for giving us a brand new week and a Monday to accomplish...

Called to do...

The strength within, that is given by Almighty God and confirms your purpose. Praying for you this morning Champions, and a day that is...


Showing mental and moral courage to face your fears head on. Saturday blessings being sent to you Champions for a day that is enough....

Take care of yourself...

Doing the best possible job you can to maintain one's temple, physically, mentally, and spiritually. May your Friday be Rock solid...


The beginning of a comment, used to state an excuse. Lovely morning to all! We are blessed with another day on planet earth Champions!...

Your life, the really reallies...

That specific journey designed for each one of us that has ups and downs and beautifully broken pieces. In addition to detours along the...

Walk a mile in my shoes...

The journey of life that each one of us takes. Comes with twists, turns, bumps, and possibly some bruises. Also...certainly joy, don't...

Great things...

Extraordinary events and encounters. May your Monday be incredible Champions! Words are so powerful! Speak greatness into your day! This...

Miracles still happen...

Extraordinary events that are manifested through divine intervention that occur daily. Look for and appreciate them. Grace abound...

It really is those little things...

Happiness found in the small nuggets. Praying for a Saturday of recognizing and appreciating the little things Champions! Over coffee I...

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