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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

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The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. Marvelous Monday Champions! This morning is the start of a brand...

Self- Control 

The ability to control one's self, in particular one's emotions desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in...


The capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behavior of someone or something. Saturday morning blessings to you...


To restore to freshness, regenerate. Friday blessings to you Champions! Walk today in strength with Him! A clear mind and fresh...


Requires something because it's essential or very important. Happiest of mornings to you Champions! Have you given some thought this...


The belief that one has the right to something. Is deserving of privileges or special treatment. We are smack dab in the middle of our...

Two Roads, One Choice!

A road is a long narrow stretch used for traveling. Good morning Champions! I trust we are all getting prepared for our day today! As we...


The act to cause harm or sadden another. Good morning Champions! Mondays bring a fresh start to our week and oh the possibilities and...

Lifting the Fog

Something that obscures and confuses a situation or someone's thought process. It's Sunday morning Champions! Let us shout praises to the...

Your Fingerprint 

An impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, especially as used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern...

Glass Ceiling 

An invisible but real barrier through which the next level or stage of advancement can be seen but can not be reached. May today be...


The quality or state of being free. Happy 4th of July Champions! Can we join together for a moment before we begin and say Happy Birthday...


A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or defense. Middle of the week Champions! As we begin this beautiful day...


A conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you. Oh happy...

Removing the Mask 

A cover or partial cover used for the face to disguise. Happiest of Mondays Champions! July says good morning and June has went to...

Spiritual  Warfare 

Fighting against the work of preternatural evil forces. Happy Sunday Champions! Today we will touch on a topic that creates so many...


The action of delaying or postponing something. What a beautiful Saturday morning we have been given Champions! Our eyes are open, the...


H2O, makes up a large percentage in most organisms. Needed to sustain life. Champions it's a beautiful Friday morning! We are here...

You Made Your Bed! 

You've created this unpleasant or unfortunate situation, now you have to endure or deal with it. Good morning Champions! You are awesome!...


False statements, untruthfulness. Well Champions we have reached the middle of our week. Each day we are given is an amazing gift! What...

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