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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

Home: Welcome

You can do hard things...

Able to walk through the difficult and come out the other side. Happy first day of Autumn Champions! How does that saying go? The leaves...

Does it deserve your energy?

Worthy of your time and concern. Sweet morning peace Champions! May your day be bright and beautiful! Thinking for a moment this...

Use your gifts...

Putting into action the special abilities that God specifically gave you. Great day ahead Champions! Claim it and step into it with a...

Let your light shine...

Living a life that radiates an illumination that makes a positive impact on others. Sunday morning sweetness and peace for a day of...

Focus on improving yourself...

Applying yourself to become better than you were the day before. Good morning Champions! May your Saturday begin with joy and continue...

Be brave...

Facing your day with courage and boldness to tackle what ever comes your way. May this beautiful Friday bring you abundance of joy...

Waiting for a sign...

A pause while looking for confirmation to proceed that you made the correct decision, or that you are on the right path. Thursday morning...

Let go or be dragged...

To turn loose from those things that continuously bring you into a negative space. Refusing to allow them to have a hold on you...

What are you letting in?

Those people, places, or things that you invite or allow inside your space. Tuesday mornings are the best. I think sometimes they get a...

Get all excited!

The state of extreme enthusiasm and energy. Monday morning is here and this week is full of opportunities Champions! Walking into today...


Accepting standards that are against your morals and beliefs. May your Sunday be grounded in God's goodness Champions! This morning my...

Game changer...

Leading by example and not following the status quo. Grandest of September Saturdays to you Champions! Bask in His presence this morning!...

Day by day...

Placing your focus on the present, what you can accomplish and or achieve today. Friday morning hope for a day full of extended grace...

Auto Pilot...

A state of mind that over time has one acting mechanically, instead of purpose driven. May the new day bring you profound purpose as you...


The act of seeking to understand what you hear. Good morning Champions. May this new day bring you profound joy. I watch the morning come...

Tolerating isn't love...

To accept or endure. Putting up with someone or something to prevent confrontation or being uncomfortable. May the Lord bless you and...

A breath of fresh air...

To be a refreshing change. Happy Monday Champions! May your day be bright and beautiful! This morning as I am tiptoeing into my day... I...


A group of people that are connected together by ancestry, rooted in love. May the sweetness of Sunday morning bring a peacefulness to...

Go the extra mile...

Going beyond normal expectations. Saturday morning has come and today is what we make of it Champions! Go that extra mile! This morning,...


Being dedicated and reliable to achieve what you set out to accomplish. Greatest Friday mornings to you Champions! Breathe in the newness...

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