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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

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Attitude and Effort 

A settled way of thinking that is reflected in ones behavior. A vigorous and determined attempt to accomplish what you set out to do....

My cup runs over 

More than enough for my needs, an expression of gratitude. Thursday has arrived and we are blessed to rise and face the day. One step at...

Opening the Floodgates!

To make something possible happen that had been difficult or seemed impossible. May your Wednesday be! I'm leaving that right here. You...


The quality of having a strong, vivid, and clear demeanor. Not hesitating or fearful in the face of adversity. May your Tuesday be...

Believe in yourself 

Having faith in the truth and existence of what God placed inside you. Monday morning is here and the day has been given to us by our...


The state of being alive and thriving in all you do. Waking this morning with vigor and energy for the day ahead. Praying each step you...

Waves of life 

When we feel caught up by situations that are created by things going on around us. "Go Deep " Sending you prayers for a day full of...

Love " more than the warm fuzzies "

The breath of the Holy Spirit, inspired into the human spirit. The effulgent manifestation! Happy Friday Champions! Today is the day most...

Right in front of you 

Indicating what is currently within your grasp. Easily acknowledged because it's visible. Thursday is a great day to be different. How...

Deeply Rooted 

Being firmly planted or established. Well grounded and not easily moved. Warmest Wednesday blessings of abundance to you and yours...

Silence speaks volumes 

Complete absence of sound, while you wait for instruction from above. Lifting you in prayer this morning Champions! Basking in his...

No Short Cuts 

Instead of searching for an accelerated way of doing or achieving something, investing the time, energy, and patience it takes to achieve...

Keep Going 

To continue to press forward even though the situation may be difficult and you feel like giving up. Happiest of happys to you this...


One with a distinctive personality, full of life, love, and laughter. Having the ability to make others feel inexplicably good just by...

Stronger than you think 

Having strength in your reserves that kicks in when you need it most and refusing to listen to your negative self talk. Fabulous Friday...

How to stay strong 

Having the power to withstand great force or pressure under adversity. May your day be filled with purpose and promise as you find your...

Rise and shine 

To wake up smartly, proceed to act lively and do well. Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day! What was your first thought...


Not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality. Tuesday morning is here. As we embrace the day together, let's...


Not able to occur, exist, or be done. May your Monday be full and your heart open to receive and achieve the possibilities of today....


Renewal, revival. To receive back more than has been lost, to where the final state is greater than the original state. To make new...

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