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by Cassie Burke

Welcome to Cre8ted to Make a Difference! We share real-world experiences and situations in a world that could use some, "making a difference champions". Sometimes we say ouch instead of Amen as we apply biblical principals to everyday lives. This is a blog for you to read and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.

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Second wind!

Requiring effort and stamina, tapping into a new revived strength and energy to keep going and press forward when things are difficult....

I'm weird...

Of strange or extraordinary character; odd, peculiar. Marvelous vibes being sent your way today Champions for a Tuesday that is full and...

Respect...get what you give!

The way you treat others will be the way you are treated. Monday morning hallelujahs for a day that is over the top amazing Champions!...

Let freedom ring!

To stand tall and make known that you are not captive but free! Free indeed! Happiest of Sundays to you and yours Champions! On this...

Gratitude practice!

Demonstrating with your actions and performing regularly the quality of being thankful. Saturday morning sweetness for a day blessed and...

Soothing sounds...

When the ear hears calm, peaceful, and tranquil things that brings inner peace to your soul. Waking renewed as I remember falling asleep...

Putting up walls...

Creating a separation with the intent of protecting oneself from possible, hurt, rejection, disappointment, or failure. More times than...

Life...a bowl of cherries?

When your days are sweet, full of pleasure and enjoyable. May your Wednesday be over the top amazing Champions! Can we just jump in with...

Keep going!

Continuing to keep pushing forward regardless of the level of difficulty you may encounter. May your Tuesday morning be full of energy...

I hope you dance!

Live life to the fullest, take a chance and try something new. May your Monday morning bring a fresh perspective for an awesome week...

There is only one you!

Uniquely designed, a masterpiece. Oh the sweetness a Sunday morning brings Champions! Waking to the birds singing and the wind blowing...

Let's go!

Moving forward with no excuses. Taking action to get it done! Prayers for a Saturday that is full and overflowing for you and yours...

Leave a footprint!

An impression one leaves from the road they have traveled and the people they have touched along the way. Morning Champions! Waking this...

Perfection isn't the goal...

Understanding and releasing the need to be completely free from flaws, faults, and blemishes. May your morning be peaceful and your day...

Personal grounding...

That successful recipe of evolving, when you are able to look inward and with confidence, consistently demonstrate a balance physically, ...

Give those compliments...

A polite expression or phrase given to another to recognize something incredible in them or to build them up. Morning goodness and grace...


Establishing healthy boundaries, adjusting them as needed, then moving on if necessary. Happy Monday morning! The first official day of...

Think about things differently...

Reaching a new level of comprehension and understanding, where you learn to embrace your thoughts with a renewed perspective. Oh how I...

Don't cry over spilled milk!

Don't be upset over something that has already happened that can not be changed. Saturday morning reflection for a day that is productive...

You can do hard things!

Embracing the challenge head on with action steps to accomplish what you set out to do, regardless of the level of difficulty. This...

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